Monday, October 29, 2012


I am so glad that I got to go camping and it is really nice that whoever moved the rock to the back of our camp sight. It caught the attention of almost all of the small people that were from maybe 15 to 2 or something. And I had a utility tool and I accidentally dropped it and it was at night time. And everyone at the place who had a headlamp, lantern of flash light was looking for it. So I had almost everyone in the camp looking for it. We found it. Then I lost my headlamp but I found it early in the morning. Thank you to those who planned the trip and let me go!
The End

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Editor's Note: This was meant to be posted Oct. 16th.
Hi, my little sister's birthday is very soon. It's tomorrow actually. She's turning six weeks old...wait no it's six months, wait oooh maybe six days. Oh yeah; tomorrow she's turning six years old. And we have a bunch of friends and people that are coming over, and she has a spider balloon and she has really been all over that and she has 24 presents. I have a fake present for her, and she'll think It's something but it's not. Then I'll give her two hot glue sticks. We went to the Kollocks today, and Autumn was very sensitive about her Indian -- very sensitive. But I can't blame her. I was the one throwing rocks at my army guys in Ma's bowl. Although you heard what I was doing. I was doing it to hers too without permission -- so I was just being a little stinky tot and she was being smarter. Uncle Pappy, Nat and Ma and Autumn -- well we all want to say something we like about Autumn. Pap's the best at it. Ma's pretty good too. I just feel really good. I don't know why I just wrote that. Ma is making Autumn's birthday cupcakes with Autumn, but I think that's weird because you don't help with your own birthday cake. That's just weird. See that looking-good picture of Autumn, and she has a bunch of Easter eggs. She was about two when she did that, and she still has the dress, and she wears it all the time, even though it's way too small. See that black thing on the pull-out bed. That's a dog. His name is Kenneth. Not much to say, so I ain't gonna say it. Bye.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This and That

Once upon a time we were going outside and we found a June bug. What a sight to see. Well it's pretty obvious there's millions in the world but it's pretty interesting. And it was in our backyard so we went out there and I spotted it. You know they're fine to pick up. See I'm tossing it to Autumn. And they really tickle when they're on you. Well that's a little information about that. We made a little cave and of course it got out and Autumn really didn't like that. This year but pretty long ago we went to Michigan and Nathaniel was at Lake Michigan and he was playing at the beach. He sort of looks like a spider, don't he? Eli, he's pretty good at being a spider too. This is only for people who were not meaning to be spiders. Otherwise, I would have posted my black widows. Eli was just flipping on the couch and Nathaniel was playing on the beach and I think he was trying to be a big old stomping T-Rex. And so that's a little information about spiders. If you go down really far.  Eli! Eli! Don't do that! Oh anyway I got distracted well I think that my big brother when he was playing at the ocean- it was pretty funny but the winner of funny bunny today was Eli the spider. So he won...he just won. And Holly, my little sister, who's on Than's couch right now, she's really cute and I talked about her in my profile but I still want to talk about her. She's really cute. It's the season of birthdays. Autumn's birthday is coming up very soon. Ma's is next and Pappy already had his and then it's mine and then it's Eli's. And then the mighty mighty roaring Holly. Bye.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Horses and Fish

I was just wondering I have these new horses I make from cornhusks. And my sister does this kind of stuff too so that's where I get the idea. I make sheep that are also out of cornhusks Sarah makes big sheep out of cornhusks. I decided if I make big sheep I'd be copying hers. So I thought for a while so I decided to make horses and I did. The one with the brown saddle is the first one  I made that turned out well. The second one didn't work. The black one is the fifth. The Indian horse that has the black hair and the red, maybe pinkish saddle, it is an Indian horse. Each of these horses cost $3. And the manger they're eating out of I didn't make a bunch of them 'cause I didn't have many cornhusks. My sister didn't give me many. If you want a manger buy the horse and there will be no extra cost. I just want them to sell. You don't have to ask me the names because they're for you to name. They ain't computer pets. Pappy said I couldn't make a computer pet. Under my profile, the way you feed them is you just click the background and food will come out. But they're not computer pets. If you race the mouse around the background of it the fish follow it. You can have a lot of pieces of yellow on it at one time. Why I don't have computer pets on, Pappy explained it all to me. You need to feed them all the time and keep them alive and everything but these you can just feed when you want to. Pappy's so smart cause he told me this. Well I don't know what to say so bye!

The End!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Asher's Mix

Birthdays are better than Father's Day and this is my dad's birthday. Why we don't have many balloons is there are five birthdays in October. Although my dad always has the most balloons because it's the first birthday of the October year. My dad is kind of amazing and a big deal because he works for a fish story whatever thing and he's really good at it. He makes a lot of money. How did we get the money to buy the computer so I could have my blog? My dad is the answer. They're watching The Lorax. We're having a really good day and I hope you are too. I'm just bleeuu. Today my little brother and me have had a haircut. It turns out that Eli went first. His hair all stuck up in the middle so he had a mohawk and that got my brother all stirred up but mine stayed calm. And we made a really good cake for my dad's birthday. And Sarah and Than made a picture of the Atlanta Braves a long time ago and it has Bob the tomato and Horton in it and we had Snoopy. Way back before I was even born Mom made pictures of clowns. Dad made him and Mom made her. We'll talk again later. Bye!

Monday, October 1, 2012

My Apple Pie and Ma's Apple Pie

Apple pies eeehh they taste fine, they taste good. Well Ma, she's great at making them. Well this is my first time making one so I might not be so great making it. Well I'm good at making it just like my tiny bother, his name is Nathaniel. Well it tastes pretty good. My dad adores apple pies one of them is the one Ma made and one is the one I made. I have a really bendy stretchy shirt that can cover my whole body. I was doing that just now. My whole body was in there. Well I don't know if anyone has as great a shirt as I do. Well we have a garden outside. It's sort of a vegetable garden. It's sort of in the trampling dog fence. I'll blog more about that next time. Well maybe I'll even post a picture. Well bye, see ya later

 The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!