Friday, October 5, 2012

Asher's Mix

Birthdays are better than Father's Day and this is my dad's birthday. Why we don't have many balloons is there are five birthdays in October. Although my dad always has the most balloons because it's the first birthday of the October year. My dad is kind of amazing and a big deal because he works for a fish story whatever thing and he's really good at it. He makes a lot of money. How did we get the money to buy the computer so I could have my blog? My dad is the answer. They're watching The Lorax. We're having a really good day and I hope you are too. I'm just bleeuu. Today my little brother and me have had a haircut. It turns out that Eli went first. His hair all stuck up in the middle so he had a mohawk and that got my brother all stirred up but mine stayed calm. And we made a really good cake for my dad's birthday. And Sarah and Than made a picture of the Atlanta Braves a long time ago and it has Bob the tomato and Horton in it and we had Snoopy. Way back before I was even born Mom made pictures of clowns. Dad made him and Mom made her. We'll talk again later. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Great job with the decorations, Asher. Keep blogging. I enjoy reading what you write! Love, Dad
